News Releases and Advisories
CPAWS says government characterization of Peel protection misleading
CPAWS-Yukon says the Yukon government misled the public on its plans for the Peel River Watershed during the 2014-2015 Budget Address.In the Premier’s March 25 budget speech, the characterization of the level of protection for the Peel provided by government’s Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan was specious and inaccurate.The issue lies specifically with how [Learn more]
Yukon Family Provides Generous Donation to Peel Legal Case
A Yukon family has given the fund for the Peel Watershed legal case a huge boost. This case was filed against the Yukon Government by the First Nation of Na Cho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Yukon Chapter, and the Yukon Conservation Society on January 27th. Mike Martin and his [Learn more]
First Nations and environmental groups launch legal action to protect Yukon’s Peel River Watershed
Vancouver, BC – Today in Vancouver, Thomas R. Berger, O.C., Q.C. announced that a lawsuit is being filed against the Yukon Government on behalf of two Yukon First Nations and two Yukon environmental organizations. Berger and his clients, the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Yukon Chapter (CPAWS Yukon) [Learn more]
Yukon First Nations and Environmental Organizations to take action to protect Peel River Watershed
What: Thomas R. Berger, O.C., Q.C. will lead a press conference to announce details of action to be taken by two Yukon First Nations and two Yukon environmental organizations in response to the Yukon Government’s plan regarding development of the Peel River Watershed. Why: After seven years of research and consultation following a constitutionally mandated [Learn more]
NGO Community Condemns Yukon Government Peel Announcement
Whitehorse – The Yukon Conservation Society (YCS) and Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Yukon are condemning Yukon Government’s announcement today that they are throwing out the Peel Watershed Planning Commission’s Final Recommended Plan and instead implementing government’s own unilateral plan for the region. This new plan will see 71% of the region opened up [Learn more]
Peel featured in this month’s issue of The Walrus
End Game · By Niall Fink FIELD NOTE – END GAME THE SEASON CLOSES AT A YUKON HUNTING CAMP FROM THE NOVEMBER 2013 MAGAZINE Late September, northern Yukon. There is more than a month left in the hunting season, but a snowstorm has wrecked the wheeled plane, and freezing lakes threaten to take the [Learn more]
State of Canada’s Parks Report 2013
In the run-up to Canada Parks Day on the 3rd Saturday in July, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is releasing its fifth annual report on how Canada’s parks are faring. The report shows that progress on creating new parks and protecting existing ones has been uneven across the country over the past 12 [Learn more]
CPAWS Makes “What We Heard” Count
CPAWS-Yukon has determined that 94% of total feedback received during the last round of Peel consultations supports the Peel Watershed Planning Commission’s Final Recommended Plan and/or Peel protection. “The support for Peel protection and the Commission’s Final Recommended Plan is absolutely overwhelming,” says CPAWS-Yukon executive director Gill Cracknell. “This provides a very clear mandate for [Learn more]
River of Names to Travel to Yukon Legislature
On March 21, CPAWS-Yukon will visualize the increasing flow of support for Peel protection with a thirty-two metre River of Names banner. Bearing the names of the more than 7,500 individuals who contributed to the final round of public consultations on the Peel, the banner will make its way from downtown Whitehorse to the Legislative [Learn more]
More than 7,500 show support for Final Recommended Peel Plan
Whitehorse – More than 7,500 individuals came out in support of the Peel Watershed Planning Commission’s Final Recommended plan during the final round of public consultations that closed February 25th, according to CPAWS records. “The sheer volume of individuals speaking up in favour of the final recommended plan should send a strong message to the [Learn more]