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The Yukon Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Yukon) aims to provide a voice for the wilderness and wild spaces in the territory. In a world that is rapidly losing its wilderness due to the impacts of climate change and habitat destruction, we want conservation to be a pillar in the Yukon so that rich wildlife and diverse landscapes receive the protection they deserve.


Governance Structure

CPAWS Yukon is governed by our Board of Directors. The board is responsible for the management of the society by supervising senior staff, providing strategic planning to the society, and developing and implementing corporate policy. 

Directors are accountable under The Societies Act (RSY 2002, c.206) and Regulations (O.I.C. 1998/124, 2015/07, and 2015/17) as well as the organization’s bylaws and funders under the specific funding agreements. The Board of Directors is also accountable to the society’s members. You can become a member of CPAWS Yukon with a $10 donation.  

Funding Sources

Funding for our conservation work generally comes from concerned people who care about the environment and its well-being, foundations who are committed to ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, and Government grants aimed towards environmental protection and wildlife conservation. 

If you are interested, a more detailed breakdown of our financials are below:

Foundations that help supporting our conservation work: 444 S Foundation, Wilburforce Foundation, Make Way Foundation (formerly Tides Canada), Wyss Foundation, Conservation Alliance and Patagonia.

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) hiring process

At CPAWS Yukon, we recognize that the conservation movement in Canada has a complex and often problematic history. There is significant work required in order for it to become an equitable, just, and inclusive space for everyone. In order to address these inequities, we have committed to making our organization as welcoming and as transparent as possible.

Our goal is to ensure that conservation is a pillar for generations to come in the Yukon. The only way to do this in a meaningful way is to ensure that our staff represent the values of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Our Commitment to Reconciliation

Reconciliation is about balance and healing between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples, including non-profit organizations. We are an environmental organization that is settler-founded and has a staff and board that remains mostly-settler. Our ways of operating have been, and are currently, influenced by the norms and customs that have been forcibly imposed since the European colonisation of Canada. This is important to recognize as it carries specific responsibilities in our path towards Reconciliation. It is our desire and our obligation to reconcile the colonial past with the present and into the future.


Your donations help us continue working for wild spaces. From creating reports, hosting events, and even paying the heating bill over the winter. Your support goes a long way.


Not in a position to donate, but still want to help support our work? 


Have a question that we haven’t answered? Email us at info@cpawsyukon.org.