This process builds off of the work of many incredible people, and follows many conversations with experts. Some of the sources we used to guide us include:
- Hiring Toolkit by The Avarna Group – last revised March 15 2018 (https://theavarnagroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Hiring-Toolkit-revised-March-15-2018-.pdf)
- 19 tips for making your job posting so amazing, unicorns will weep tears of joy – Nonprofit AF blog May 8, 2017 (https://nonprofitaf.com/2017/05/19-tips-for-making-your-job-posting-so-amazing-unicorns-will-weep-tears-of-joy/)
- CPAWS BC chapter May 2020 document ((draft) Hiring Steps and Process Through a JEDI Lens)
- Inspiration for the statement on the website taken from http://www.nonprofitinclusiveness.org/example-non-discrimination-statement-and-policy
- TREC webinar: Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Staff: Implementing Better Practices and Mitigating Bias.
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