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A judgement is coming in the supreme court of Canada’s peel watershed case
A judgement is coming in the supreme court of Canada’s peel watershed caseIt’s finally happening! Friday is going to be a historic day in the Yukon, and beyond. The judgement in the Supreme Court of Canada’s Peel Watershed case will be released this Friday Dec. 1 at 9:45am EST.We —alongside our co-appellants — will be [Learn more]

Canada unites to protect the porcupine caribou herd
Canada unites to protect the porcupine caribou herd Two weeks ago we launched a petition urging Prime Minister Trudeau to speak up against Donald’s Trump’s plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. Any industrial activity in the Porcupine caribou’s calving grounds could have disastrous and irreversable effects on the health of the herd and [Learn more]

Balancing The Books: Our recommendations to Yukon government
With the prospect of future budget deficits in the coming years, The Yukon government wants to get a handle on their books. In September a financial advisory panel delivered their recommendations on how to do just that. You can read the full report here. The public input period just closed, and the government is now working [Learn more]

Road to Rau decision underscores need for land use planning
Earlier this month, YESAB released its recommendations regarding a 65-km all-season road north of Mayo being proposed by ATAC Resources in order to access the Tiger gold deposit. YESAB approved the road, which runs just 20km south of the Peel Watershed with conditions meant to minimize the impact on wildlife, hunting and trapping. You can [Learn more]

The Peel is life: A Gwich’in elder on his connection with the land
For thousands of years, Gwich’in people in northwestern Canada have lived off the abundant natural resources of the Peel Watershed. They have depended on the migration of the Porcupine Caribou, the fish and fresh water from seven pure rivers, and the rich history traced back through generations. “People of the headwaters” is the English translation [Learn more]
Protect The Peel goes to Ottawa
Click here to listen to interviews with various people from the Peel delegation in Ottawa. March 21: The Day Before the Hearing We’re here in Ottawa for the Supreme Court of Canada case! In total there are about 25 of us with the official delegation from CPAWS, YCS, Tr’ondek Hwech’in, Na Cho Nyak Dan and Vuntut [Learn more]
Troubling times for Canada’s caribou
News came out recently that the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) has listed barren-ground caribou as ‘threatened’, which could trigger federal action to protect them under the Species at Risk Act. This Arctic species spreads from Yukon to Baffin Island, and while their numbers are known to fluctuate, the steep population [Learn more]

Yukon: A landscape of opportunity
By Joanna Jack, Conservation Programs and Outreach Coordinator Living in a land so wild it can kill you occasionally enables us to forget how fragile our surroundings really are, or even how valuable. While working in a research lab studying the impact of development on wildlife, people’s eyes lit up when I spoke about where [Learn more]

Connected to the land: Chris Rider meets the Peel community of Fort McPherson
It’s difficult to express the impact that the recent journey of the Youth of the Peel had on me, given that it’s a trip that I wasn’t even on. But welcoming them off the water in July and talking with Gwich’in people in the Northwest Territories about the Peel left a strong impression on me. [Learn more]