News Releases and Advisories
Application for Leave to Appeal to be Filed with the Supreme Court of Canada
Media ReleaseDecember 15, 2015Peel Watershed CaseApplication for Leave to Appeal to be Filed with the Supreme Court of CanadaAfter careful consideration of the Yukon Court of Appeal’s decision in the Peel Watershed case, the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun, the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, CPAWS Yukon and Yukon Conservation Society have [Learn more]
Press Conference and Public Event to Address What’s Next for the Peel?
2015 Media AdvisoryDecember 9, 2015 Press Conference and Public Event to Address What’s Next for the Peel? On Tuesday, December 15th two events in Whitehorse will help answer the question of what’s next for the Peel. These events will address the Yukon Court of Appeal’s ruling with respect to the Peel Watershed and the next [Learn more]
Yukon to Send a Message to COP 21
On Sunday, November 29th from 1 to 2 pm Yukoners are gathering together in Shipyards Park to send a message to COP 21, the global climate negotiations that get underway in Paris the following day. Communities around the world are coming together on Nov. 29th to ask world leaders to take strong action on climate [Learn more]
Court of Appeal upholds integrity of Final Agreements while Sending Peel Back to the Drawing Board
Court of Appeal upholds integrity of Final Agreements while Sending the Peel Back to the Drawing Board Earlier today, Chief Justice Bauman, Madam Justice Smith and Justice Goepel of the Yukon Court of Appeal confirmed the Yukon Government failed to honour its treaty obligations with respect to the Peel Watershed Land Use Plan. This ruling [Learn more]
Environment Forum to Provide Opportunity for Federal Candidates to Focus on Issues Impacting Yukon’s Environment
Environment Forum to Provide Opportunity for Federal Candidates to Focus on Issues Impacting Yukon’s Environment Media AdvisoryOctober 1, 2015 On Tuesday, October 6th CPAWS Yukon and the Yukon Conservation Society will host a non-partisan environment forum in response to the current federal election campaign. All four Yukon federal candidates have been invited to participate. To [Learn more]
Peel Watershed supporters braved pouring rain in Water Ceremony for the Peel
Peel Watershed supporters braved pouring rain in Water Ceremony for the Peel August 21, 2015, Whitehorse, Yukon – In pouring rain 200 supporters arrived at the steps to the Yukon Law Court, yesterday, where the Peel Watershed Case is underway, to participate in a one hour long Water Celebration for the Peel. Elders from the [Learn more]
Water Ceremony for the Peel and a BBQ taking place today in support of #ProtectPeel
Media AdvisoryAug 20, 2015 Water Ceremony for the Peel and a BBQ taking place today in support of #ProtectPeelPeel Watershed Case proceedings underway in the Yukon Supreme Court of Appeal What: Elders from Mayo, Dawson, Mackenzie Delta and Old Crow communities, joined by supporters of the Peel River Watershed, will gather on the steps of [Learn more]
The fight to protect the Peel returns to the Yukon Supreme Court of Appeal this week
Media AdvisoryAug 19, 2015 The fight to protect the Peel River Watershed returns to the Yukon Supreme Court of Appeal this week What: The Peel River Watershed case returns to court on Thursday, with Thomas R. Berger, O.C., Q.C., and the legal team for the respondents, defending against an appeal by the Yukon Government that the Yukon [Learn more]
First Nation Youth Experience the Peel Firsthand
July 27, 2015WHITEHORSE, YUKON ¬- On Friday, Peel First Nation youth completed a 500-kilometre paddling journey that began on the Wind River and finished in Fort McPherson. CPAWS Yukon is thrilled to have offered this experience to five youth: Prairie Dawn Edwards, Ehdiitat Gwichin (Aklavik), Robert Neyando, Gwichya Gwichin (Tsiigehtchic), Bobbi Rose Koe, Tetlit Gwichin [Learn more]
Yukon has progress to make on wilderness protection: CPAWS report
Media ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2015 Yukon has progress to make on wilderness protection: CPAWS report Whitehorse – In its latest annual report released in advance of Canada Parks Day, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is calling Canada out for falling behind most other countries in protecting its land and fresh water. [Learn more]